07 July 2010

Help! I'm on Yelp!

There has been a monster created, justsoyaknow.

I happen to be a fairly opinionated consumer and Yelp is tailored for my kin -- to "share our experiences" in hopes of benefiting potential customers of restaurants, hotels, spas, etc. However, this outlet also creates a monster in that it promotes me spending more time on the Internet writing and contributing to public forums. I have a Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, Blogger (obviously), BRMC FanPage, Pandora, and now Yelp account. I've virtually abandoned MySpace (my About Me consists of "Remove Profile" in hopes one day the MySpace people will do away with my page) yet have continued joining social media sites. I can sit here and fuss about it all but the fact of the matter is--I love it.

02 July 2010



The month passed and this blog remained bereft of an entry.
In commemoration of the ghostlike month, I decided to run the Google Test on "June" and pay homage to the very month I neglected.

A personal fave: June Carter Cash

Flaming June by Lord Frederick Leighton