03 April 2010

Failure, success & neither

" The math is magical: you can pile up lots of failures and still keep rolling, but you only need one juicy success to build a career.

The killer is the category called 'neither'. If you spend your days avoiding failure by doing not much worth criticizing, you'll never have a shot at success. Avoiding the thing that's easy to survive keeps you from encountering the very thing you're after.

And yet we market and work and connect and create as if just one failure might be the end of us. "

Seth Godin 2010 (http://sethgodin.typepad.com/)

I read this about five times upon receiving my daily dose of Seth Godin's blog (which you need to follow if you have any interest in marketing/pr/comm/buss/etc.) a few days ago.

Why is it brilliant? It reminded me of a teacher giving a student a prompt:

"Give me insight as to why people shy away from failure and in turn, shy away from success. Oh yeah, and do it in five sentences or less. You have twenty minutes."

Godin deserves an A+ for nailing the hypothetical assignment.